Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I'm starting this blog to help make people aware of the unscrupulous, unethical and immoral photographers that are out there. Since the advent of consumer DSLR's it seems everyone thinks themselves as a pro and few are. Others pass the work of other people off as their own. I would be grateful if you all added the names and URL's of all those photographers you've had bad experiences with, including, models and designers who sell out. I'll also list the names of photographers and designers who conduct themselves unethically and unprofessionally when they allow other people to use their images. Where I can I have added a URL and will add more as I discover or are made aware of them.

Beth Frazier AKA Jayde Madison Photography - Washington D.C. USA.

(Used another photographers images without
 permission and water marked them to pass them off as
her own).

 MARTIN GOLDIE-  Pornographer Didn't pay.    Toronto Canada

 Kevin Chung-  Pornographer Didn't pay. Toronto Canada

JOSEPH SHAFFERY, photographer, London UK .

Passes other peoples work off as his own, disrespectful of clients, shares images of
clients and models in lingerie with male friends for 'personal use'.  Behave
lecherously towards models. Behaves dishonestly and disrespectfully towards other
industry professionals. Purchases images from colleagues and watermarks them his own.

www.josephshaffery.com, www.shafferydesigns.com, www.westendwebsites.com
